5 friends from Harvard University decided to send a delicious hamburger to space. B.good, a local hamburger company in Massachusetts, was generous enough to help us out and sponsor this entire mission (check them out at www.bgood.com). That was their burger! They are awesome. ------ If you'd like us to do something cool with your company's product (on earth on in space), please drop us a line at matherscientists@gmail.com. ----- Follow some of the guys on Twitter: @nyassin14 and @RenzoLucioni The launch took place in Sturbridge, MA and reached a max altitude of 30000m. A 600g weather balloon filled with helium was attached to a GoPro Hero, HTC Rezound phone (GPS) and a Hamburger. We launched it on the 27th of October, 2012 at 12:22 PM, the equipment was recovered via GPS tracking 130 miles somewhere north of Boston. Shot and edited by Gabriel Freedman gabefreedman.com Music credit: Ratatat - Loud Pipes, Shempi Yann Tiersen - Comptine d'un autre été: L'après midi